6 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Selling Clothes Online

selling clothes online common mistakes

You may currently have a brick-and-mortar clothing store. However, selling online could be fantastic if you want to connect with more customers, boost your revenue, minimize operating costs, and increase profits.

Today, millions of people utilize the internet to find clothing items. They also make their purchases online. Therefore, it is necessary to take your clothing business to the World Wide Web. But to be successful, you should implement the most effective tips to sell clothes online.

Launching an online clothing store can be done with little to no effort. All you need is a computer or phone and an internet connection. The real challenge is in attracting customers and growing the business, considering that the clothing and fashion sector is highly competitive.

You also need to note that customers have certain expectations when shopping online. Therefore, simple mistakes can turn them away. As a result, you won’t build a robust customer base which eventually affects your sales and profits.

Here are the most common mistakes to avoid when selling clothes online.

1. Posting Poor Photos

Posting poor photos is one of the most common mistakes that online sellers make. Since customers won’t be able to see and inspect your items physically, they’ll depend on the photos to make purchase decisions. For that reason, you must post high-quality images.

Posting good pictures will help attract many people to your online store. As a result, you’ll likely generate more leads or customers. That increases your chances of making huge sales.

2. No Delivery Information

One good reason why people shop online is because of the convenience it brings. There’s no need to go outside and deal with traffic or crowds. When you shop online, you can simply browse, click, and then pay for the clothes you want from the comfort of your home. But the transaction is not complete when the items are not yet delivered to your doorstep. Most online sellers also make the mistake of not providing accurate delivery information.

Showing delivery information helps reduce customers’ frustrations and level their expectations. That goes a long way in enhancing customer satisfaction. For that reason, ensure you include all the information related to delivery services. This consists of the delivery fee and the time it takes to make your deliveries.

3. Lack of Marketing (online or off line)

As noted earlier, taking your clothing shop online is one of the most effective ways to connect with more customers and increase sales. However, that can’t happen without marketing. It would be impossible to reach more prospects if you don’t invest in online marketing strategies.

Today, there are various digital promotional strategies you can implement to sufficiently spread the word about your online clothing company. These include content, search engine optimization, pay-per-click, influencer, affiliate marketing, etc. There are many strategies you can utilize, but not all of them would be effective for your store. It’s best to talk to a digital marketing professional who can help you plan and implement the most effective strategies.

4. Lack of Customer Reviews

You can’t ignore the power of customer reviews when selling clothes online. Most new customers want to read other people’s opinions before making a purchase, especially if they’re first-time buyers. Therefore, the lack of reviews may turn away potential customers.

Positive reviews show that your previous customers had a good experience shopping for clothing items from your store. This encourages new customers to engage with you as well. As a result, you’ll likely rake in more profits.

Gathering positive reviews may be difficult, especially if your shop is still new. But as long as you provide good products and reliable services, your customers will leave good feedback on their own. However, you can’t just wait for this to happen.

To get good reviews early on, you can offer an incentive so customers will be encouraged to leave reviews on your website or social media page. Incentives could be in the form of discount codes, coupons, points, and the like.

5. Not Optimizing Your Website for Mobile Phones

Recently, mobile phones have become necessary items in human life. People use mobile phones not only to communicate but also to browse and shop online. Therefore, you might be hurting your sales if you haven’t optimized your website for mobile phones.

Optimizing your company website for mobile phones helps you connect to more customers. Since customers can view and browse your website conveniently through their mobile devices, they can easily make purchases from there. This, therefore, lets you make more sales. As a result, you’ll quickly overcome the market competition.

6. Poor Customer Service

Another mistake you should avoid when selling clothes online is poor customer service. This refers to how you engage with customers and respond to their messages. For instance, a delay in responding to customer queries or complaints translates to poor customer service.

Poor customer service will make you lose current clients. It’ll also turn away prospects or potential customers. Therefore, strive to offer excellent customer service to your customers. For instance, make sure you respond to their messages on time. And if you aren’t available for some reason, you can rely on automated response technology.


Modern technology is here to help take your online clothing shop a notch high. However, you can’t achieve much success if you continue making mistakes that other sellers commit. It’s, therefore, essential to avoid the mistakes discussed above.

About the Author: David is a professional and independent business advisor. He loves sharing his insights to assist business owners in promoting their sales. During his free time, David likes playing drum sets and piano.

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