Textile Yarn Strength Testing Machine to Minimize Cost and Increase Product Quality

Learn about the textile yarn strength testing equipment and machines. This is a guest submission by Nancy.

How do you judge the quality of the fabric of your clothes?

The technology today has made it mandatory to examine the strength of the fibre before transferring it for further production. Testing of yarn is the need for every manufacturer in order to examine the breaking strength and elongation traits of the yarn. For the validation of every material before passing it for the sale, the breaking tenacity is tested.

What is Breaking Tenacity?

The breaking tenacity is the ratio of breaking force and linear density of yarn, which is used to determine the actual strength of the material. Earlier, it was hard to judge the tensile strength but with the advancement of technology and yarn strength tester, it becomes really easy to test the specimen of yarn and validate it.

During the test, it’s important that the yarn must be aligned with the machine axis, for which the yarn is clamped. The reason behind is that a minor variation in the alignment between the machine and yarn specimen can cause unpredictable results.

What’s the objective of Yarn Testing?

The main objective of strength testing of textiles yarn is to calculate/test the following points.
  • Yarn twist 
  • Yarn strength 
  • Linear density 
  • Yarn evenness 
  • Yarn elongation 
  • Yarn hairiness etc. 
All these reports collectively result in quality fabric/yarn that can be further used for individual sale or production of clothes.

Some Mandatory Requirements for Testing:

During the testing phase, certain atmospheric conditions are to be maintained so that no unpredictable results are obtained. There are many varieties of yarn and fibres which change their response in accordance with moisture and environment conditions. Hence, there is a standard condition that is to be maintained during the testing phase.
  • The standard temperature of testing is 20+-2 degree C, and 65+-2% Rh. 
  • For tropical region, the mandatory temperature requirement is 27+-2 degree C, 
  • 65+-2%RH. 

Even to be completely sure about the output, the samples are conditioned for nearly 24 hours that makes the specimen completely ready for testing and delivers the best possible output.

Nowadays there are numerous heavy machines, build to report any loophole in the specimen. The machines are available with different standards. 

Also Read: How to check the spirality in fabric 
Recommended Test Machine: Automatic Single Yarn Strength Tester. 

The following machine in an example of single yarn testing machine.

This machine is made to test the strength of yarn made of cotton, wool and others material. This machine has the capability to test the strength up to 6000cN. It can test 20 cops at a time which let you minimize the time consumption. Here are some of the traits that you will get with this testing machine.
  • The machine works on CRE principle and his controlled with the pre-installed software in your PC. 
  • The separate garbage collected is pre-installed on the machine that helps you collect waste yarns at one place and keep the lab clean. 
  • The testing capability is 20cops which reduces your testing time and increases efficiency. 
  • The built-in printer is added to the machine that can deliver the hard copy of your testing reports. 
  • The feeding of yarn is automatic. The clamping for testing is also automatic without leading to any damage. 
The weight of this testing machine is 140 kg which is worth the machine it works for. Being light weight in comparison to other competitive machines, you can ever find it a hurdle to settle it at a single place.

All in all, an introduction of strength testing machines has added the expertise level to the testing and bestow quality output with minimal cost.
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