Every year, spring remains one of the most loved seasons in the world. Spring is always associated with rebirth. Rebirth of nature, feelings, and for most of us, clothes inventory.
After long and dark winter days, vivid and bright colors of new garment collections presented by world designers serve like sunshine. The rush to buy new items of clothing begins.
Have you ever reflected on how many negative aspects are hidden behind garment production?
The modern textile and clothing industry, also called fast fashion, is one of the most important industries on Earth. The entire process of new clothes production has a great negative impact on the environment.
The European Environment Agency declared that in 2020, textile purchases in the EU were responsible for 270 kg of CO2 emissions per person. Moreover, we can talk about water, air, and land pollution that is caused by the textile industry. Consider the fact that many clothing items have a really short life. Fashion trends change, and one’s looks and tastes change too. Shouldn’t we buy more new clothes at this point?
The European Environment Agency declared that in 2020, textile purchases in the EU were responsible for 270 kg of CO2 emissions per person. Moreover, we can talk about water, air, and land pollution that is caused by the textile industry. Consider the fact that many clothing items have a really short life. Fashion trends change, and one’s looks and tastes change too. Shouldn’t we buy more new clothes at this point?
New life for second-hand clothing
Facilitated shopping has influenced and increased the level of consumerism. Nevertheless, during the last years, a number of world-known companies producing clothing have revised their policy. Many projects that promote the usage of second-hand items have been already launched. Furthermore, this trend seems to be expanding by engaging more agencies.Thanks to technology, the way people get used to buying new items has changed. Indeed, it costs nothing to visit a website and create a shopping list. By adding items to the cart you would like to purchase, you save plenty of time, but not the planet.
By the way, if you are a student, another excellent method to save time is to contact an editing company for your academic thesis. While professionals take care of your thesis, you may enjoy shopping.
By the way, if you are a student, another excellent method to save time is to contact an editing company for your academic thesis. While professionals take care of your thesis, you may enjoy shopping.
Pros of used clothing (second-had clothing)
Some years ago when you heard the word “second-hand”, you might turn up your nose. The imagination drew horrible old-fashioned and worn-out garments used by some unknown person. However, as practice shows, imagination does not reflect the real state of things.There are thousands of pieces of clothing in perfect condition. People often put aside some garments not because it’s threadbare. One could make an impulsive purchase or could put it on just one time for some event. There could be different reasons leading to the abandonment of some pieces. So, what are the pros of buying second-hand outfits?
1. Contribution to environment conservation
We will not specify the exact amount of carbon dioxide you help save if you buy a second-hand garment. But every time you reuse clothing, you avoid contaminating more of our planet and contributing to climate change.2. Modern clothes for economic price
Differently from past generations, Generation Z prioritizes comfortability more than brand name. Young people prefer economical but practical clothing. Streetwear is the most popular style among new generations. By buying pre-loved items, you can follow up-to-date trends and save plenty of money for other needs.3. Rare garments
We don’t mean only vintage clothing, but rather modern outfits produced in few copies. If you have never explored this field, we advise you to acquire experience by visiting some websites or shops. You will be surprised and bewildered by how many fantastic garments you can uncover.Second-hand clothing doesn’t imply neglect of appearance. On the contrary, the usage of pre-loved garments means a mindful and conscious choice of being fashioned. Remember that clothes make the men, but what really counts are one’s actions.
According to Conscious Fashion, "Many sustainable fashion brands are not only producing their garments in a socially- and environmentally-responsible way, but they're taking responsibility for their used garments and helping extend the life of their clothes through their resale programs. Some brands take back your clothes to clean, repair, and resell them while others are providing a marketplace that resembles Poshmark or Depop where individuals resell and ship out the clothes directly to buyers".