TimeSSD Published Video Tutorials for timeSSD® Users

timeSSD® is one of the well-known PMTS systems for establishing standard time and labour costing in the apparel industry. This month timeSSD® has published video tutorials for timeSSD® users. We are happy to share timeSSD® tutorials with you.

Note: The video tutorial dedicated for the trial registration the rest of the files are stored on an access code protected page.

The timeSSD® software users have published inside the software the access code to the protected page. Any other site visitor can get an access code to the protected area by providing its e-mail address where the code will be sent.

timeSSD® Video Tutorials

1. Register Trial Account. 
Watch the video for trial account opening. This video is outside of the protected zone.

2. timeSSD® – Overview with Method Development Example. 

This video covers an overview of the system, including a very detailed motion analysis narrated by highly recognized professionals.

3. timeSSD® – The Genuine Cost-Effective Solution  
This video presents all timeSSD® features and benefits in a comprehensive way.

4. timeSSD® User Guide. 
Download the PDF user Guide

5. timeSSD® – Flashback: 
A short video about the history of the evolution from the first Apple computer based SSD to the scalable timeSSD® from Microsoft Azure Cloud.

6. Selection Lists – Scope: 
This video explains the role of the selections lists and how the user manages them.

7. ELF Role and Structure: 
ELF – Essential Labor Fund – the initial motion elements database of timeSSD®. The tutorial explains how the motion elements are structured for easy search and use.

8. Business Owned Elements: 
When is necessary to define own motion elements and how the user can do that.

9. Method, Operation Development:
Video tutorial which shows step by step the work method development based on an operation video recording.

10. Operation List Definition:
How to use the developed methods and existing operation lists to edit a new operation list, related to a style.

11. EDI – Electronic Data Interchange
Tutorial for the data export from timeSSD®, dedicated for data transfer to 3rd party systems.

12. Allowances:
Video to explain what the allowances are, type of them, the level of influence on SAM, ways to handle in timeSSD®.

13. Partnership Initiate and Accept
Why is introduced in timeSSD® the “partnership” and how to realize it.

14. Duplicate Code Handling in Share:
Tutorial about how to handle the duplicate codes when a shared item is accepted.

15. Share Send and Get
How to share an item, how to accept it, and why the Business Admin should approve.

16. Import from Public Folder:
Tutorial about the importance of the accept from the Business Admin side.

17. Business Admin Role: 
Video about what must do, what cannot and what can do the Business Admin.

18. Invite New User:
How to invite a new user to use the common Business Account.

19. Register Commercial Account:
How to continue to use with zero investment the timeSSD®, after the trial period.

20. TIT Pricing System:
Video which explains simple and in detail the whole credit system of timeSSD®.

21. timeSSD® - Cost Items:
Tutorial about how the “pay as you go” principle is applied, and which is the credit consumption of each feature.

22. timeSSD® - Usage Cost Forecast:
Step by step video guide about how to use the public available smart table to calculate the cost of use of the timeSSD®.

How to access the protected video files?

Check this page on the timeSSD website and request for access. 

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