How to Achieve Maximum Efficiency for Shorter Run Orders?

Improving Efficiency short run orders

It is true that for short-run orders when the line reaches its pick performance, stitching of the order gets completed. When a factory compares the line performance of a short-run against a long-run order, the yield of short-run orders is less. 

First, let's learn why a line achieves a low performance for short-run order.

Reasons for low line efficiency:

Normally, on the initial 1-3 days of production loading, (depending on the style or production system), a line builds its performance day by day (learning curve). The line works at an optimum efficiency level after the learning curve. If the same line gets a long-run order (that normally runs more than 15 days), the average efficiency of the order becomes higher. The reason is that the line works on a higher level after the learning curve most days.

On the other hand, when an order gets finished by 4th to 5th day of loading, the average line efficiency remains low due to the initial days' learning curve. When a line gets 4-5 short-run orders in months, they lose the productive time on production line set-up (style changeover). This results in lower line performance during the month.

Also Read | How to Improve First-Hour Production in a Garment Factory?

Tips to achieve higher efficiency:

In this post, I have shared a few tips that can be useful in achieving maximum efficiency for shorter-run orders. Although these tips are applicable for long-run orders too to achieve better performance.
  • Plan for loading the new style back to back. This means when the previous style is completed by one operator, load the new style without waiting for the completion of the style from all operations. Your aim should be to reduce the learning curve for the new order. 
  • Prepare the line layout and process workflow on paper in advance and follow that one during line set-up.
  • All you need to be better prepared. Keep continuous feeding to the line. Before loading the cuttings in the line, keep everything ready- all approvals related to the style, trim, and complete cutting of the order or at least two day's cutting WIP should be there.
  • Train employees (sewing operators) separately, on how to do the operation they are going to assign to the style.
  • Supervisors need to be prepared and complete line set-up as quickly as possible (no waiting of operators should be there), including machine changing, stitching and material handling instructions to operators, quality specification, approval, etc,
  • Reduce bundle size for short-run orders to reduce the throughput time and waiting time for following operators.
  • If possible use a shorter sewing line for small qty orders. This change will also make a difference in achieving the line's overall efficiency.

Industrial engineers in a garment unit will understand the above points. If you can apply these tips, you will surely achieve higher efficiency for short-run orders.

What is a Short Run Order?

An order of a small order quantity that runs on the production line for 3-5 days. The order quantity for a short-run order may be different depending on the style design. Garment factories set their own criteria for considering the order short-run or a long-run order.

Related Articles:

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Prasanta Sarkar

Prasanta Sarkar is a textile engineer and a postgraduate in fashion technology from NIFT, New Delhi, India. He has authored 6 books in the field of garment manufacturing technology, garment business setup, and industrial engineering. He loves writing how-to guide articles in the fashion industry niche. He has been working in the apparel manufacturing industry since 2006. He has visited garment factories in many countries and implemented process improvement projects in numerous garment units in different continents including Asia, Europe, and South Africa. He is the founder and editor of the Online Clothing Study Blog.

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