Key Roles of an Operations Head in an Apparel Manufacturing Unit

This is a guest submission from Bairy Venkata Ugendhar. He himself holds the position of operations head in a leading apparel manufacturing company. In this post, the author has listed down the key roles and job responsibilities of the operations head.

1. To lead all the departments of the unit(s) through the day to day management.

2. To empower all the departments and direct them towards organizational goal rather than the departmental goal as stand-alone.

3. To educate all departmental heads to utilize resources effectively and efficiently for the profitability of the organization.

4. To set KPIs and JDs for each and every department and monitor on regular basis and guide them to get out of the deviations to perform as expected by the organization.

5. To actively engage IE teams with other interdepartmental teams in Kaizen activities to get improvements on regular basis to improve operations

6. To actively engage IE and training teams to train operators and supervisors at grass root level.

7. To monitor plan versus actual on daily basis to act if any deviations and cover them to meet organization goals with an action plan.

8. To check lines are planned effectively and efficiently in coordination with planning teams

9. To monitor T and A follow up with merchandisers on daily basis in terms of product development and approvals and preproduction activities to take place well in advance to planned production start dates.

10. To see that the factory is well compliant as per buyer requirements

11. To see that all SOPS are in place and followed as a system.

12. To monitor day to day expenses as per budget.

13. To monitor productivity, on-time delivery with cost control.

It is not necessary that your job responsibilities need to be same. It depends on the organization and its structure. You can follow this list to prepare the key roles of the operations head in your company.

About the author: Bairy Venkata Ugendhar is working as Senior Manager, Operations at Quantum Clothing India Pvt Ltd, an associate of Brandix Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India. Prior to joining Quantum Clothing, he held managerial positions in many organizations in the apparel industry.

Image Source: Youtube/exiid international
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