How Line Supervisors do Hourly Target Follow up?

Question: How line supervisors do hourly target follow up? ... asked by Fitsum.t

To manage the line performance line supervisor must do follow up whether hourly target is met or not. If a supervisor want to know what is the line output per hour then it is easy. He can count pieces physically or ask helper to count stitched pieces and note down hourly report in a board. But actual control can be done only by taking hourly production figure of each operator. There are various ways to know operator wise actual production in the last hour or from morning to till hour. 

In most of the factories production target follow up is done at last operations of the style. For hourly or bi-hourly production data factory employs a work study boy who can collect production from each operator. He can count pieces and note on the operator's job card. Or operator can note his/her production when he passes his completed bundle to the next operators. In this system there is delay for an hour or more. While a supervisor got the report most operators may produce more garments. For example daily production report is produce in the next day morning in most of the factories. 

Second way is to install Bar Code tracking system. Operator will stick bar code sticker carried with bundles on the gum sheet. Then one person can scan those bundle tickets (Bar codes) to get hourly output to the computer screen. 

Another way of having real time data for supervisor is RFID based real time production tracking system. This will help supervisor to track movement of bundles. WIP level at each workstation. How much production is done by the operators at any point of time. System generate hourly production report and line balancing chart for individual lines. Through line balancing chart (graph) a supervisor can do follow up of hourly production follow up.

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