Industrial Engineering #3

29. What is Productivity?
Productivity is a measure of the efficiency and effectiveness to which organizational resources (inputs) are utilized for the creation of products and/or services (outputs). Productivity measurement is both a measure of input utilization and an assessment as to whether or not input utilization is growing faster than output. Read more...

30. How to measure labor productivity?
Within a factory, industrial engineers or factory managers and line supervisors measure the number of garments produced by a line of sewing machine operators in a specific time frame. Generally factory works 10 to 12 hours a day. Total production (output pieces) of a line and total labor involved in producing those pieces is required to calculate labor productivity. Read more...

31. How to calculate thread consumption?
There is a standard formula for determining thread consumption. In the available formula you will get multiplying factors according to machine type and stitching classes. To define thread consumption you just have to multiply seam length with factors. Read more...

32. How to do Time study?
Three types of machines are generally used for making Basic Tee (Crew Neck) in mass production. Machines are Lock stitch (Single Needle), Over edge (Over lock) and Flat lock (Flat bed or Cylinder bed). Read more...

33. How to do Method Study?
Method study is more of a systematic approach to job design than a set of techniques. It is defined as the systematic recording and critical examination of existing and proposed methods of doing work, as a means of developing and applying easier and more effective methods and reducing costs. Read more...

35. What is work Sampling?
Work sampling is a method of finding the percentage occurrence of a certain activity by statistical sampling and random observations. Read more...

36. How to calculate machine SPI?
The abbreviation of SPI is Stitches per inch. In the Metric System it is expressed as Stitch per centimeter (SPC). It is very easy to measure SPI of the machine or seam. To measure it, take a fabric swatch of 12 inch X 2 inch. Read more...

37. Use of Takt time in apparel industry? 
Takt time is the allowable times to produce one product at the rate of customers’ demand. This is NOT the same as cycle time, which is the normal time to complete an operation on a product (which should be less than or equal to TAKT time). Read more...

38. How to Estimate Sewing Time by Machine RPM? 
Are you confused how to estimate that how much time should be taken by a sewing operator to sew a specific length of seam? Read this article to know how to estimate it.

39. Secret behind calculation of machine time in SAM? 
Standard allowed minute (SAM) of an operation is the sum of 3 different parameter, i.e. machine time, material handling (with personal allowances) time and bundle time. Material handling and bundle time is calculated by motion analysis.

40. 7 Ways to Reduce to WIP from Bottleneck Operations 
A bottleneck operation determines hourly production of a sewing line. In a bottleneck operation garments are piled up compared to other operations in the line and produces lowest number of garments. Efficiency of the line as well as labor productivity is affected by work in process (WIP) level at bottleneck operations.

41. Operation Breakdown and SMV of Trouser
The operation breakdown of a trouser with two front pocket and two back pocket has been given in the following table. SMVs mentioned here against each operation are just for your reference. It may vary according to machine types, workstation layout and equipment used.

42. How to get Training on GSD?

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