What is SAH Hit Rate?

You know SAH means Standard hours produced. Hit Rate means the success rate of one's effort. We plan to achieve something, we act to achieve it. In practice, we will achieve it in some days and you don't achieve in other days. To analyse the achievement rate to an act, the Hit rate is measured.

What is SAH Hit Rate in the garment production?
SAH hit rate can be defined as the number of days we achieve the Planned SAH out of total days we observed the line's SAH achievement. 

SAH Hit Rate of a line= (No of days the planned SAH is achieved/ No. of days performance observed for a line) x 100  

For the SAH hit rate calculation purpose, instead of calculating the planned total SAH for the day, you can measure it as planned efficiency. As the planned SAH is calculated from the planned efficiency. Also, the actual SAH produced by the line can be easily converted into line efficiency.

Efficiency is measured as (SAH produced / Total hours worked)x100.
Planned SAH is calculated as (Total Working Hours in day x manpower x planned Efficiency% ) 

SAH hit rate term can be presented as Planned Efficiency Hit Rate or Learning Curve efficiency hit rate. You know day-wise planned efficiency is the presentation of the learning curve of a line (depending on the product category). The efficiency you plan for the day is taken from the learning curve.

An Example:
Let’s say, one of your style (XYZ) runs 15 days in one production line. You set up planned efficiency for each day (Planned SAH). Out of 15 days, the line hits the planned efficiency in 6 days. In this example, the SAH hit rate will be (6/15)x100 = 40%

Another example: 
In a month you worked 25 days. Out of 25 working days, 15days you achieved line efficiency more than or equal to the planned efficiency. In this case, the SAH hit rate will be
=(15/25) x 100= 60%
Irrespective of style, you can measure Efficiency Hit Rate month-wise and line-wise. 

How to calculate SAH Hit Rate?

In an Excel spreadsheet, prepare a monthly table (Figure#1) and enter date-wise planned efficiency (Row-A). In another row, enter date-wise achieved line efficiency (Row-B). In the third-row enter formula with the following condition (Row-C)
If the achieved efficiency >= planned efficiency, enter 1 and 
If the achieved efficiency < planned efficiency, enter 0

Then calculate the SAH hit rate from the first production date of the month to last production date. In any given day of the month calculate SAH Hit Rate using this formula:
= ((Sum of the Row-C)/(Count of Row-C)) x 100

SAH hit rate calculation
SAH Hit Rate Calculation

Some companies measure weekly planned efficiency hit rate and monthly SAH hit rate.

Another example of calculating the hit rate. You know a garment factory measures the shipment hit rate in a month. For calculating the shipment hit rate, we first calculate how many orders were shipped on or before the due date and how many orders were shipped in that month? If you have shipped 120 orders in the last month and out of total 120 orders, 60 orders were shipped on time or before the shipment date. Here, the shipment delivery hit rate will be (60/120)*100 = 50%

I hope, I have not confused you in explaining the SAH hit rate term and calculation method of the same.

Read Also: How to measure SMV improvement percentage?

Prasanta Sarkar

Prasanta Sarkar is a textile engineer and a postgraduate in fashion technology from NIFT, New Delhi, India. He has authored 6 books in the field of garment manufacturing technology, garment business setup, and industrial engineering. He loves writing how-to guide articles in the fashion industry niche. He has been working in the apparel manufacturing industry since 2006. He has visited garment factories in many countries and implemented process improvement projects in numerous garment units in different continents including Asia, Europe, and South Africa. He is the founder and editor of the Online Clothing Study Blog.

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