In our industrial engineering tutorial series, we are sharing operation bulletins for various products. In today's post we are sharing an operation bulletin of a
Hoodie (fleece pullover). You can refer this operation bulletin to learn about various operations involved and machine requirement in making a hoodie with kangaroo pocket, draw cord. If you are wondering how to make an operation bulletin read
the process of making an operation bulletin.
Hoodie samples (Source:google image search) |
Operation Bulletin of a Hoodie
An operation bulletin of a fleece hoodie is shown in the following table. In this OB, operations list, Estimated time, machine requirement, manpower requirement and hourly production target quantity at 80% efficiency are shown.
Hoodie operation bulletin (Sample OB) |
Disclaimer: The estimated time (SAM) shown in the above table will vary according to the product design, method followed and machine and equipment used in actual production. So be careful while you use the above estimated time against each operation. The number of machines and manpower requirement depend on the product SAM and daily
production target.
Full form of machine name.
In the above table short name of sewing machines are written. Followings are the abbreviation of those short machine codes.
SNLS - Single needle lock stitch
4THOL - 4 thread over lock
SNCS - Single needle chain stitch
DNLS - Double needle lock stitch
BS - Button stitching
BH - Button holing
Flatlock - Flat lock machine (cover stitch)
Also read: Operation bulletin of other apparel products