Interesting Things I Learned in Year 2014

I hope you had a great year 2014. I don’t know how much value I have delivered to you through my writing and sharing information in this blog. Sometimes you may be taken to different topics that you didn't bother to read and learn, though my focus was to provide you enough doses of knowledge. Many topics were written on basic information for beginners.

It was a great year for me though I have missed many opportunities of learning and visiting new client factories. This article is written to share with you about my learning in 2014. Some of my learning are mentioned here.

1. Strengthen my skills in making reports in Excel with SQL queries. It is really very interesting when I extract data from SQL tables using SQL query and make reports on excel using pivot table. Factories love this kind of report. If you like to use this you must have a SQL database and a technology to capture production data.

2. Improved understanding on various reports requirement by factory management. There is no limitation of reporting formats. As much reports I made for clients, I received request for more reports and more modification. I did extreme customization of production reports. This thing happened easily as because all those clients have detailed data in SQL database.

3. Learned SQL (database software). I am currently working in an IT company. And SQL database is part of our software product (Leadtec). But I never learned how to use SQL database for report making. But at the end of last year I had to learn SQL to provide better services to our clients. This is really great learning.

4. Learned Crystal Report – I was familiar with Excel reports and was dependent on the MS Excel for reporting. But when I started exploring more and was finding easy but sophisticated tools for reporting, Crystal Report was one of the best reporting tools ever made.

5. Importance of IT in apparel manufacturing companies. Having an IT department in a garment export house (called as EDP) is a common thing. But building a programming team (IT) inside garment factory is not very common in the apparel industry. I visited a factory that has a programming team for developing applications and making various reports (production as well as other departments’ reports) in Crystal Reports. Factory management doesn’t allow the employee to use excel sheet for making production reports. Even for reports IEs, production team and managers don’t need to make reports. They just need to open reports whatever information they need.

6. Learned about new formats of the online apparel business.

7. I also improved my skills in other areas by working on the following

  • Improved my writing skill
  • Improved blogging skills as well
  • Prepared a couple of project reports on garment factory setup
  • Developed a Quality Assurance Manual for an Apparel Brand
  • Developed apparel Techpack

In the New Year 2015, I would like to learn more things in new fields of the textiles and apparel industry. I would focus on publishing articles on technology areas in the apparel industry.

I would love to listen to your learning in 2014.

Prasanta Sarkar

Prasanta Sarkar is a textile engineer and a postgraduate in fashion technology from NIFT, New Delhi, India. He has authored 6 books in the field of garment manufacturing technology, garment business setup, and industrial engineering. He loves writing how-to guide articles in the fashion industry niche. He has been working in the apparel manufacturing industry since 2006. He has visited garment factories in many countries and implemented process improvement projects in numerous garment units in different continents including Asia, Europe, and South Africa. He is the founder and editor of the Online Clothing Study Blog.

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