Day to day Job Responsibilities of a Merchandiser Working in a Buying Agency

Question: What are the day to day roles of a merchandiser working in a buying agency? ... asked by Rajat

OCS's Answer:

Though job profile widely varies from organisation to organisation and position of a merchandiser in the organisation, I am listing down some of the common jobs that a merchandiser needs to do in a buying house on daily basis. Some tasks may be performed in a weekly cycle or season. After reading the following list, if you feel that something is missing then you are welcome to point it out in the following comment box.

  1. Communicating with buyers by mail (mostly) for new queries as well as updates

  2. Meeting with vendors and explaining new development requirement to vendor team 

  3. Planning for new season sampling and production orders 

  4. Collecting of garment samples, trims and different types of swatches from the vendors 

  5. Submission of samples to buyer through courier 

  6. Follow up with vendors for samples 

  7. Follow up with buyers for approvals and feedback 

  8. Giving approval on samples where buyer intervention is not required 

  9. Updating latest comments on particular styles or order to vendor representative 

  10. Update the buyers with the order status at all stages 

  11. Execution of running orders (production) 

  12. Visit to vendor site 

  13. Sourcing of materials for new development 

  14. Preparation of material requirement 

  15. Selection and finalizing of vendors for the upcoming orders based on vendor’s experience of making similar products 

  16. Preparing Purchase order 

  17. Costing and negotiation with trim & accessory suppliers 

  18. Handle quality issues for sampling as well as production 

  19. Preparing inspection schedule for shipment and notifying to quality department in the buying house or third party QA. 

  20. Maintaining files and Accounts 

  21. Updating Time and Action calendar

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