Adidas Group committed to have 100% Sustainable Cotton by 2018

Adidas, one of the top sports wear manufacturers, is stepping forward to have 100% “Better Cotton” in their products by 2018. In the ‘Corporate sustainability Report 2010’ Adidas has discussed their group-wide goal and approaches to become sustainable clothing manufacturer or zero-emission Company. This initiative will be taken across its brands – Adidas, Reebok, Taylormade and Rockport.

Adidas Group strategy 2015: “Building on several environmental initiatives over the past years, in 2010, we have developed a coherent environmental Strategy for the whole Adidas group.
The environmental Strategy 2015 aims to reduce our environmental footprint 15% by 2015 relative to sales. It follows a clear vision and mission and sets targets to be reached by 2015. These targets cover our whole value chain from product creation to sourcing and manufacturing and from our own operations to our stores and all other sales points.” Source: Sustainability Report 2010, Adidas Group.
Company’s specific goal to the 2015 time frame
  • Cut relative energy usage by 20 percent
  • Make a total relative cut of 30 percent in carbon emissions by sourcing green energy
  • Reduce paper usage by 50 percent per-employee
Adidas group’s integrated approach:
“Our approach is to manage environmental issues as an integral part of our daily operations, positively contributing to the Adidas group’s overall business performance,” says Karin ekberg, Head of environmental Services, Adidas group. “With this mindset the environmental Strategy targets are interrelated with business targets and also require support from more than one single business function to achieve them. This is the beauty and the challenge in the approach: it is possible to drive the Strategy from different parts of the business, depending on where the leverage is greatest.” Source: Sustainability Report 2010, Adidas Group. 
‘Better Cotton’ commitment illustrates Adidas approach:
“Better Cotton’ is cotton grown to social and environmental standards set by the multi-stakeholder Better Cotton Initiative (BCI). So while setting this target supports our ambitions to make our products more sustainable, the responsibility for meeting it rests with our global Operations team and their sourcing strategy. Working together and using the strengths of different parts of the business is the best way to meet our goals.” Source: Sustainability Report 2010, Adidas Group.
Sources: Adidas Sustainability Report 2010 and
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