Fashion Management Study Subjects

The national and international Fashion and Design Institutes teach the following subjects to their fashion management students.

- Principles of Fashion Marketing, Merchandising, Management & Retailing
- Basic Product & Manufacturing related Knowledge
- Economic Analysis
- Information Technology
- Marketing Research
- Consumer Behaviour & CRM
- Statistics and Statistical Software Applications
- Global Textiles & Apparel Product Market Characteristics
- Retail Merchandising & Advanced Export Merchandising
- Operations Research
- Management Accounting
- Intellectual Property Rights
- Information System
- Marketing Strategies & Brand Management
- International Marketing
- Fashion Forecasting & Product Development
- Financial Management & International Finance
- Human Resource Management
- SCM & E-Business
- Visual Merchandising
- Fashion Buying & Sourcing
- Fashion & Lifestyle Products Appreciation
- Sales and Distribution Mgmt.
- Entrepreneurship Management in Fashion Industry

The course curriculum is changed from time to time by the Fashion Institutes

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