What is Green Index for Clothing?

What is Green Index?

The term “Green index” is a numerical indicator of the measures of various parameters that have an impact on the environment. It indicates one’s (organization, business or product) responsibility to the Earth, to Its entire creatures and to the human beings. It aims to promote sustainability. Generally, it is represented on 1-10 scales or in percentage.

For example, shoe manufacturer Timberland measure their product’s Green Index on the basis of three main parameters as Climate Impact, Chemicals Used and Resources Consumption. Combining all three they give Overall Green Index Rating to their products. They attach the Green Index tag with each pair of shoes. As customers become environmentally conscious they want to know if the material is safe for them and its overall impact on the environment. This Green Index tag helps customers to judge better about product sustainability.

Sustainable product index is a similar index used for the same purpose. A couple of years ago Wal-Mart announced plans to develop a comprehensive worldwide sustainable product index. This index –will allow Wal-Mart to measure the sustainability of every product it sells.

Green Index parameters in the different context

The main parameters of a Green Index may vary according to the context. When a country is going to measure its environmental sustainability index it may be assessed on parameters like air pollution, biodiversity and water quality. On the other hand, an apparel manufacturer can use parameters like,
  • Energy Consumption 
  • Environment impact 
  • Health and Safety 
Energy consumed by lighting, machinery and equipment is calculated. Higher energy consumption not only cost factory more money, it has a bad impact to the environment. For rating energy consumption by factory following things are considered -
  • Sewing machines are equipped with a servo motor or Clutch motor 
  • For lighting what types of the tube of bulbs ares used (CFL, FTL or LED) 
  • Total Energy (electricity and Diesel) consumption. These are then converted into the equivalent to Carbon Di-oxide emission.
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