What are Defect and Defective Pieces and How these are measured?

In garment quality management, we aim to produce defect-free garments. Garments with defects or the garment lot with some defects are considered inferior quality products. In garment quality control systems and quality reporting, we use 2 common terms - DEFECT and DEFECTIVE PIECES

The definition of the defect and defective pieces has been explained below.

What is a Defect in Garments? 

Defects are all those non-conformances that are not acceptable to the end customer. Like the imbalanced shape of the garment, broken buttons or other trims, holes in fabrics, slip stitches, broken seams, etc. 

In a defective garment, there may be more than one defect. 

Defects can be related to sewing operations that are generated by operators during garment stitching. There are some defects found in garments that are non-sewing defects. Those defects are mainly related to fabric issues and material handling. 

What is a Defective Piece?

A defective garment that contains at least one defect. A defective garment may have more than one defect. At the time of garment checking, defective garments are separated for repair. Defective garments that can not be repaired are marked as damaged garments. 

In the following image, you can see one defective garment that has two different defects. The same defect can be found in multiple places (operations) in a garment.  

Some of the defective garments may be repairable and some may not. All repairable garments are sent to sewing operators for correcting defects. After correction, the garments are inspected again. 

Defects in a defective garment

For the quantitative measure of quality performance, there are two measuring units Defects per hundred units and percentage defective.

Defects per hundred units (DHU): The number of total defects in 100 checked garments. The formula for calculating DHU is
DHU = (Total no. of defects found / Total pieces checked) x 100 

Percent Defective (%): total number of defective pieces in 100 checked garments.
Percentage defective = (Total no. of defective pieces / Total pieces checked) x 100

An Example: 
Let's say, in a day one table checker checked 200 pieces. He found a total of 15 defective pieces and in those 15 pieces total of 60 defects were found.

Therefore, the quality measure of that lot in terms of DHU is 30 (60*100/200) and the Percentage Defective is 7.5%.

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