What are Defect and Defective Pieces and How these are measured?

The parameter that decides whether a garment is a quality garment or not is called a Defect. When a number of defects in a garment is high it seemed as worse quality garment and when defects are less then it is a better quality garment. Definition of the defect and defective pieces has been explained below.
Defects in a defective garment


Defects are all those non-conformance that is not acceptable by the end customer. Like the imbalanced shape of the garment, broken button or other trims, holes in fabrics, slip stitch, broken seam etc. In a defective garment, there may be more than one defect.

Defective Pieces

Defective pieces are those pieces, which are separated for alteration during checking may be for any causes.

For the quantitative measure, there are two measuring units as Defects per hundred units and percentage defective.

Defects per hundred units (DHU) – number of total defects in 100 checked garments. The formula for calculating DHU is
DHU = Total no. of defects found X 100 / Total pieces checked

Percent Defective (%) – total number of defective pieces in 100 checked garments.
Percentage defective = Total no. of defective pieces X 100 / Total pieces checked
Example: Suppose in a day one table checker checked 200 pieces. He found total of 15 defective pieces and in those 15 pieces total 60 defects were found. So, the quality measure of that lot in terms of DHU is 30 (60*100/200) and Percentage Defective is 7.5%.

Also read: Garment inspection method

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